The San Carlos Ranger District, which includes both Pike and San Isabel national forests in Custer County currently have no fire restrictions. Visit theUS Forest Service interactive fire restriction mapfor current fire restriction information in our national forests.

Check back regularly as this section will be updated with new information as it becomes available.

Wildfire Mitigation

The Colorado State Forest Service has some great information on their website regarding wildfire mitigation.

Wildfire Mitigation- CSFS

Mitigation Consults

If you would like to schedule a mitigation consult for your property with Wet Mountain Fire Protection District please check out our non-emergency Services page.

Burn Permit Information

Burn Permit application forms can be obtained by emailing or by visiting the Wet Mountain Fire Protection District office located at
215 North 4th Street in Westcliffe, CO.

Please call (719)783-9245 for information.

Office hours are:

  • Monday 10a-3pm
  • Tuesday-Thursday 9a-4pm

Please review the following documents prior to applying for a burn permit: